
La soco la cusboonaysiiyaa wararkii ugu dambeeyay & dhacdooyinka

Xarunta Wararka

Dhanka kale - isbeddelka adduunka ee injineerinka korantada, xakameynta MLCPS iyo ilaalinta Beddelka ayaa ah dhagaxa ciribtirka hal abuurka iyo hufnaanta. Imagine a single-structured product that seamlessly integrates control and protection functions, effectively replacing a multitude of traditional components such as circuit breakers, contactors, overload protection relays, starters and isolators. With MLCPS, you can say goodbye to the chaos of separate devices and embrace streamlined solutions that simplify your electrical management while improving safety and reliability.


Waxa ka qoslaya MLCPS waa awooda ay tahay in la isku daro xakamaynta otomatiga fog ee kormeerka aadanaha ee maxalliga ah. This dual functionality ensures that you have the flexibility and control you need, whether you are managing operations from a distance or at the control panel. MLCPS waxaa loo qaabeeyey iyada oo loo adeegsado isku dubbaridihii-hadalka-hada-hada si loo kobciyo xakamaynta xakamaynta iyo isuduwidda ilaalinta. Taas macnaheedu waa in haddii wareeg gaaban dhacdo, MLCPS ma quusan doonto; Waxay sii wadi doontaa inay shaqeyso, hubinta in nidaamkaagu uu shaqeynayo howlgalladaada aan la carqaladeyn. Taasi waa dib-u-taagnaan!


Laakiin sug, inbadan ayaa jirta! With its high breaking capacity and small arc distance, the MLCPS is a powerhouse in terms of performance. Its long service life means you won't be replacing it anytime soon, which is good for your budget and the environment. Plus, with adjustable protection setting currents, you can tailor the MLCPS to meet the specific needs of your motor loads and distribution loads. It's like having a Swiss Army Knife for your electrical system – versatile, reliable, and always ready to go!



In short, MLCPS control and protection switchgear is more than just a product, it's a revolution in electrical management. It provides unparalleled control, protection, and ease of use by integrating multiple functions into one efficient unit. Say goodbye to the clutter of traditional components and hello to a new era of streamlined electrical solutions. With MLCPS, you're not just investing in a product, you're investing in peace of mind, efficiency, and the future of your electrical systems. Marka, maxaad sugeysaa? Join the revolution today and experience the MLCPS difference for yourself!

+86 13291685922
Email: mulang@mlele.com