
La soco la cusboonaysiiyaa wararkii ugu dambeeyay & dhacdooyinka

Xarunta Wararka

Taariikh: Mar-22-2025

Designed for AC 50/60Hz power systems operating at 380V, this state-of-the-art surge protector is ideal for TT, TN and other power configurations. Iyada oo ay soo kordhiso soo noqnoqda dhacdooyinka cimilada daran, baahida loo qabo ilaalin qalliin lagu kalsoonaan karo waligeed degdeg ahaan, iyoMly1-A25 Ilaalinta qalliinka ayaa safka hore kaga jirta tikniyoolajiyaddan muhiimka ah.


Ilaaliyaha Mly1-A25 ee qalliinka ayaa ku habboon aasaasiga ah (fasalka b) Hillaac ilaalin ah meelaha ay ku jiraan nalalka khafiifka ah ee soo noqnoqda. By installing this SPD at the junction of LPZ0B and LPZ1, users can effectively mitigate the risks associated with surges and ensure the safety and longevity of the power system. Alaabtaani waa in ka badan kaliya aalad ilaalin ah; it is an important component in maintaining the integrity of the power infrastructure, giving you peace of mind in environments prone to lightning strikes.


The MLY1-A25-50B lightning surge protector is designed to comply with the latest national standards, including GB50057-2010 and GB18802.1, ensuring compliance with stringent safety and performance standards. This single-port indoor fixed voltage switch-type SPD is designed to provide superior reliability and efficiency, ensuring your electrical system is protected from unexpected surges. Dhismaha dhismaha ee Mly1-A25 ee tikniyoolajiyadda horumarsan ayaa ka dhigaya xulasho la isku halleyn karo oo loogu talagalay codsiyada guryaha iyo ganacsiga.


Ka sokow awoodeeda badbaadinta sare, ilaaliyaha qalliinka qalliinka ee Mly1-A25 waa isticmaale-saaxiibtinimo iyo fududahay in lagu rakibo. Naqshadeynteeda isku-dhafka ah waxay si aan kala go 'lahayn ugu dhexjirtaa nidaamyada korantada ee jira, yareynta carqaladeynta inta lagu jiro rakibidda. Simple operating features ensure that users can quickly learn and use the device, making it an accessible solution for anyone looking to enhance their surge protection measures. Mly1-A25, waxaad ku nasan kartaa dafiri karta in nidaamkaaga korantada uu ku qalabaysan yahay hillaac ugu wanaagsan iyo ilaalinta xad-dhaafka badan ee xad-dhaafka ah.


In conclusion, the MLY1-A25-50B lightning surge protector is an essential investment for anyone who wants to protect their electrical system from the unpredictability of lightning strikes and power surges. Compliance with national standards, easy installation, and high reliability make this SPD an ideal choice for residential and commercial applications. Ha qabin nidaamkaaga korantada. Xullo ilaaliyaha qalliinka ee Mly1-A25 si loo hubiyo amniga iyo cimri dheeraynta nidaamkaaga korantada. Ka ilaali waxa ugu muhiimsan Mly1-A25-50B, lammaanaha aad ku kalsoon tahay ee lagu hayo difaaca fudud ee fudud.


+86 13291685922
Email: mulang@mlele.com