
La soco la cusboonaysiiyaa wararkii ugu dambeeyay & dhacdooyinka

Xarunta Wararka

MLM-04 / 16. Xalka ugu dambeeya ee baahiyahaaga korantada korantadaada!

Taariikh: Mar-25-2025



Laakiin sug, inbadan ayaa jirta! The MLM-04/16AC not only looks great, it's also packed with features that enhance its functionality. You can set force start and force shutdown options, giving you full control over operation. Plus, full on and off delay settings allow for precise timing, ensuring your devices operate in perfect harmony. Whether you need to delay startup or slow down shutdown, the MLM-04/16AC has you covered.

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Adduunyo halkaas oo korantada ay madax xanuun yihiin, MLM-04/16/16 waxay bixisaa howlo awood ah oo ah howsha xusuusta ee muuqaalka ikhtiyaariga ah. This means that in the event of a power failure, your settings will be remembered, allowing seamless resumption of operation once power is restored. If you are a customization expert, you will appreciate the adjustable baud rate setting, which enables you to optimize the communication speed to your specific requirements.



+86 13291685922
Email: mulang@mlele.com